Some great advice to young writers from young writers 💪


I know you’ve been there. You’re sitting there in front of your screen, staring at a new Google doc, and every time that little tick blinks, it’s taunting you -

So what are you gonna write?
So, what are you gonna write? 
So what are you gonna write? 

Last month, the San Mateo Public Library featured members of the Creative Youth Collective and Whole Child Education at their first Young Authors Showcase, (it was AWESOME - thank you SMPL! ) and here, VKG, author of The Shadeway, shares a powerful personal tip on how to beat the blank page and just get started.  Click play and listen up - following this advice will at least double your creative output. 

VKG has good advice for a reason. Not only did they create their own solar system, they created their own language, too! I know - now you’re curious about The Shadeway, right? Read the full text in our ebook library, or purchase your own copy here.  Don't worry, there's a glossary in the back of the book. :)

Want to see your ideas come to life, too? Join us! There’s only one week left to apply for the Creative Youth Collective Scholarship. Don’t wait. I see you. I get you. Let’s make this dream happen together.

With so much love and inspiration,
